Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Makawao Forest Reserve


One of the funnest hikes on Maui is the Makawao Forest Reserve. It is great for walking,
running, and bike riding.
My family goes there a lot for bike riding and walks.
The full loop is 6 miles, 3 up and 3 down.
My family does the whole thing, but it's nice just to go a mile or two.
There is lots of shade, trees, and there is always a nice little breeze.
There are a lot of plants to learn about. One of my favorites is a poha berry it can be called a goose berry to. So if you are hungry and you are on a hike be sure to keep an
eye out for poha berrys.


Thursday, January 7, 2010


One of my favorite places is of course the beach called Launiupoko. It is a great beach for kids because there is a large cove were kids can play in the shallow water. It is also great place for surf. There is lots of sand, waves, shade, and of course lots and lots of sun shine!
My favorite thing to do at Launiupoko is surfing its one of the best sports in the

What is a tide?
The tidal bulge that occurs during high tide in the world ocean follows the revolution of the moon, and the earth rotates eastward through the bulge once every 24 hours and 50 minutes. The water of the entire world ocean is pulled by the moon's gravity. On the opposite side of the earth there is a high tide due to the inertia of the ocean water and because the earth is being pulled toward the moon by its gravitational field yet the ocean water remains left behind. This creates a high tide on the side of the earth opposite the high tide caused by the direct pull of the moon.

Points on the sides of the earth between the two tidal bulges experience low tide. The tidal cycle can begin with high tide. For 6 hours and 13 minutes after high tide, the tide recedes in what is known as ebb tide. 6 hours and 13 minutes following high tide is low tide. After low tide, the flood tide begins as the tide rises for the next 6 hours and 13 minutes until high tide occurs and the cycle begins again.

Tides are most pronounced along the coastline of the oceans and in bays where tidal range (the difference in height between low tide and high tide) is increased due to the topography and other factors.

Inertia Means: is the resistance of any physical object to a change in its state of motion. It is represented numerically by an object's mass. The principle of inertia is one of the fundamental principles of classical physics which are used to describe the motion of matter and how it is affected by applied forces.

I found this information at

My Fun on Maui

Hi, I am Sydney and I am writing this blog for any of you people who ever want to visit the beautiful island of Maui.